(CNN) — Inflight dining was far from its glory days even before Covid ensured everything was plastic-wrapped and pre-ordered. On long-haul international flights, the question “chicken or fish” is often met with resigned acceptance of a nuked, tiny meal in an aluminum foil tray. A limp salad — with half a cherry tomato. A roll
American children and adolescents now get two thirds of their calorie intake from ultraprocessed foods, according to a new study which analyzed responses from 33,795 participants over 20 years. According to the Harvard University Health Blog, unprocessed or minimally processed foods are raw, or minimally changed foods such as fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables
“Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast: Roasted Rodents & Stone Soup” – Premieres Tuesday, October 6 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT Andrew Zimmern travels to Croatia, an Eastern European country straight out of a storybook, where people are living and eating like their ancestors of a thousand years ago. With local chef Tatiana Ciciliani leading the way, Zimmern goes
DAY 508 // 29TH JUNE 2014 Support Jeff Jeff https://www.youtube.com/user/RoadWarriors360?sub_confirmation=1 Go Subscribe to Nick http://www.youtube.com/nickmillerza Lucy http://www.youtube.com/lucindaaaragon Jeff https://www.youtube.com/user/RoadWarriors360 Alexa http://www.youtube.com/smokeypinkleopard Will http://www.youtube.com/willdarbyshirefilm Shea http://peaceloveshea.com/ FIND THE NOMADS http://www.findthenomads.com http://instagram.com/findthenomads http://twitter.com/findthenomads http://www.youtube.com/findthenomads http://www.facebook.com/findthenomads upload video intros to youtube unlisted (in landscape) and message me the link at http://www.facebook.com/louiscole follow what i’m up to http://www.twitter.com/louiscole http://www.facebook.com/funforlouis
What to do in Copenhagen? Where to Eat? Where to Drink? We got you covered! Join Alex and Marko for an awesome tour around Denmark’s capitol city! SUBSCRIBE ► http://bit.ly/Vagabrothers — FOLLOW US: + INSTAGRAM ►https://www.instagram.com/Vagabrothers + FACEBOOK ► https://www.facebook.com/Vagabrothers + TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/vagabrothers + SNAPCHAT ►@Vagabrothers + WEB ► http://www.vagabrothers.com + Alex ► https://www.instagram.com/alexthevagabond
(CNN) — There’s nothing like watching the Olympics on TV to give you a major case of wanderlust. Despite the mostly empty stadiums — spectators were banned — athletes from around the world have still been able to awe us, and with the beautiful scenery of Japan as backdrop. The good news is that many